Sunday, August 24, 2008

Shoelace Happiness

...and then she came rushing into the classroom, and she was looked upon and answered: "Teach, I have had problems", as the other answered, "Are you Danielle? Yes, I have been told of your problems" with a sarcastic grin upon her face.

(This one's to you, dear Baggy! And a reminder - if you know what I mean!)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Nothing to Write About

“Would you help me?” asked he, staring at the doctor’s eyes. “Even if my disease reaches that, would you help me?”
“I’m here to help” answered the doctor, strolling around the room checking his watch. “I would never give up on you, if so you wish, and if you don’t give up on me. Will you give up on me?”
“I won’t. You know I won’t. It’s that it’s just been so long, and this sickness refuses to leave. I wish it had been gone away by now, but sometimes things just don’t happen like this.”
“They don’t. And that’s why life’s so precious. We struggle to have it” and the doctor stepped away, opening the drapes. A dim sunlight came into the room, washing away the pure darkness inside.
“Yeah. But this struggle seems to never end.”
“My precious... It will end. I assure you.” said he, as he approached to the bed. With gleaming passionate eyes he finished; “You will be alright. Now just get some sleep, will you?”
“I will.” the other answered. “Thank you.”

You’re welcome.

Saturday, August 09, 2008


He's such a powerful man
to stand all that

Won't disappoint you, light
it has been hard, but I won't
don't give up on me,
I'm holding on, I said I would
please, please, don't forget me
unstopping light

he's such a powerful man.
or an extremely weak one.