Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Last Battle

He, at last, let himself cling to hope.
Not from a train of thought did he choose that, but through the inmost senseless pain he has felt. And from the weaving of (those) two songs did hopefulness come, for he finally endeavoured into the fog of pain he had created, thus facing what he had not feared before.

No mountains for you today.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Andara Mountain

It's so nice that you would die for it. It's so comfortable that you would die for it. It's so amazing that you would die for it. And at the end, you would enjoy it not.

Montanha Andara

Pois caught myself respirando profundamente hoje (por mais trocadilhos e piadinhas que isso possa trazer - ho ha ha) e ontem e nos últimos dias em Montanha Andara. Posso ganhar tanta coisa, e ainda assim, me sentir estranho.
Montanha andara. Assim como me faz sentir mais leve, me faz sentir mais pesado. Assim como faz me sentir mais criança, e consequentemente mais humano. E consequentemente mais sozinho.
Me passem o copo.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Leading to Misunderstandings

Life works in a strange way. Must I say there is abscence, and hopelessness, though. For I don't know what happened there, and don't know why things went ill, and I thank thee God for having done everything calm. Wanted I the knowledge that no one's got for me; a brilliance should it be, but it won't, unless it brings itself the proper knowledge, and hope. I do not know the reasons, though I am happy everything's right and that's enough, and should I not be worrying about anything else. But once again, I shall ask, for I see lies and askance shall be brought up in the future.
But for now, I am glad.