Are you really my friend?????
I asked myself
Were you close to my shelf?
Or were you attacking the walls
Hidden in shadows, making me calls?
I asked myself
How could you do that
While you called me elf
While pain I could not bear
I blasted help
Your help, away from me
I in myself kept
All my horrible feelings
and I waited
for what I knew would happen
And what happened?
You told me what happened
Alcohol shows truth
And I knew your hidden one
I knew it'd come through
I knew it would hurt my throne
Throne of metal, throne of sorrow
A throne that I built in suffering
A throne built in power
And pain
A throne built in fear
In lies
In force
And in truth I found
Only pain, only hounds
Strangling my throat
Those dogs, from whom were they?
I don't know
I won't know
If I'll show
It to you
I don't know
Are you really so friend of me?
Maybe our reality is too different
Maybe it'll come the day I'll know
You'll know
And pain'll grow
And no one will never know
Apaixonar-se diariamente
11 years ago
1 comment:
Bah... Sem noção cara...
Achei realmente ótimo!
Profundo e real o sentimento que você consegue transmitir...
Me perguntei se não era eu que estava sentindo aquilo tudo ao escrever...
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