Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Air Filling of an Empty Box; The Marathon of Standing Still III; One Blue Sky

And so I say goodbye
No tears' gonna fulfill my eyes
This' a goodbye
No rules about it

And so I move on
To another corner of reality
Past's already done
Hide in the shadows of these walls

As you will choose your side
I leave thee all thy time
No rings or boundaries
This' my last warning

To the sandman you'll go
And your eyes will be driven mad
Shalt we dance?
There are no lines in the sand lad
Your lips will move falsely
There's no love in kissing, Red

No destinies intertwined
For the sake of pure energy
He's turned my enemy

1 comment:

JC said...

Muito FODA, murilo-san (sim, encontrei minha senha do blogger de novo!) Foda pq tu definiu algo que eu tinha em mente!

Seja feliz, irmão! Luz!