Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Finally Free

..and all had gone ill; and darkness surrounding him was speaking a lone voice; "you have been expected. And here thou art". And he stood there, for there was fear in his heart, and rejection, and pain, and all those restrained feelings he had got; but at those words at his heart, he enlightened; he turned his head towards the sky and made a pray, for all that illuded him to be gone, and for all that enslaved him, to elude. And at that thought, darkness stopped her light and everything went calm. In that calmness, he dropped a tear, a tear of freedom.
Because at that, finally, he was able to cry.
He was finally free.


Unknown said...

nas minhas subitas depres de final de tarde eu exclui tudo, orkut, emails, outros orkuts, o resto dos e-mails, então fique com esse

esse foi dificil de decifrar, o google naõ ajudo, então foi na marra, prova é qu eeu perguntei pra vc

pare de escrever em ingles, ou eu começo a FALAR em japones ou hebraico contigo, SIM EU TENHO ESSE PODER

a uma hora agente joga rpg

pare de escrever assim em todos os sentidos


DEMORO pra atualiza isso hein?
[quero proximo post quarta que vem]

Unknown said...

a esqueci de dizer que o texto ta legal, gostei do titulo